No more distributing multiple copies of proprietary data. Maintain and securely govern one copy of cloud-native, analysis-ready AIS data.
TileDB Cloud enables precise track analysis of maritime data. Scale beyond TBs with location data at sub-second granularity, directly accessible with versioning and time traveling.
Monetize data and code without additional infrastructure, creating a sustainable marketplace for data producers and consumers alike.
No more CSV downloads. Use TileDB to access AIS datasets on cloud object storage and query directly using native coordinates. Efficiently scale large computations in the cloud where the data resides.
Take advantage of built-in support for AIS time-series data, enabling fast track analysis and density mapping. Index using precise real numbers and datetime objects. Scale analytics to ML-powered dark ship detection, all on a single platform.
Automatically catalog AIS datasets, notebooks, and all associated metadata for advanced discoverability and governance. Version your work, including notebooks and ML models. Securely share with operations teams, supply chain analysts and government authorities.
Scale way beyond the capabilities of other databases, like Postgres and GeoMesa. TileDB integrates with existing workflows at every stage of your research — from SQL to R & Python Jupyter notebooks.
Sell your data with no additional infrastructure or cost. Built-in marketplace features allow you to develop derived data products and monetize them in a new economic model that accommodates data producers and consumers alike.
Gain the flexibility you need to power your analysis. TileDB Cloud comes with dashboards and notebooks that can be easily customized to use specialized packages for running unique visualizations using Datashader, HoloViews, and your own custom packages.
Avoid complex pipelines when combining AIS with other data types like SAR and VIIRS. Join all data types in a single data platform based on multi-dimensional arrays. Query across multiple index ranges for flexible analysis and visualization.
Have a technical question? Check out our documentation, dig into our support for various geospatial libraries and reference materials for Python, and many other languages.
Read the docsWatch the replay! In "Dark Ship Detection, No Doubt: Fusing AIS, VIIRS and SAR via TileDB & ExactEarth" Dr. Vicky Liau, Senior Software Engineer at TileDB, presented her analysis, combining analysis-ready data on TileDB Cloud.
Watch the videoAlready purchased exactEarth data? Access the demo notebooks on TileDB Cloud. Just launch a geospatial notebook and, once in the Jupyter Lab environment, use the file browser to access /examples/geo/exactEarth to get started.
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